Using .NET Core for Docker Services

I recently implemented my first Docker image intended to be used as a service: Beehive. I have previously used Topshelf to create .NET Windows services, but this time around I would like to create a .NET Core console app running as a Docker service in a Linux-based image. This brought with it some interesting findings.

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NDC Oslo 2019

I had the pleasure of representing MapsPeople at NDC Oslo 2019. Overall it was a very good experience, so I feel like trying to share it. I will go through the best talks/workshops - providing YouTube link and a short review.

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Drone CI

I am a huge fan of GitLab CI, however, I do think it is a bit of a heavy stack for personal use. I use GitLab at work and think it is a great fit - the whole eco system regarding pull requests, CI pipelines, and environments works really well. The biggest reason for using it at home was to get that awesome CI pipeline, while keeping some repos private. Having moved all my private repos to GitHub, I can now utilize other CI tools - such as Drone CI.

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XRDP on Ubuntu Mate

RDP is a good protocol for remotely accessing a desktop. I personally use this for gaining remote access to my home network, while at work or elsewhere in the world.

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